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Meet Pelenakeke Brown
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Pelenakeke Brown

PELENAKEKE BROWN is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to her about her performance Raking Scissor Grip, dwelling in vā and crip time, and finding poetry in the official record.

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Meet Hannah Ireland
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Hannah Ireland

HANNAH IRELAND is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to her about her new works, home and family, and accidentally becoming a ‘glitter girl’.

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Meet Jack Hadley
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Jack Hadley

JACK HADLEY is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to him about figurative sculpture, anthropomorphism and AliExpress.

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Meet Amit Noy
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Amit Noy

AMIT NOY is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to him about his work Errant, a choreographed performance work which takes place across the gallery, investigating codes of behaviour and the repercussions of breaking them.

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slip / knot
Collected Essays Josiah Morgan Collected Essays Josiah Morgan

slip / knot

We republish Josiah Morgan’s poem ‘slip / knot’, published by badapple, on the occasion of badapple’s three-night show future ANCESTORS at Basement Theatre, 4–6 July in Tāmaki Makaurau.

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Feminine Rubble
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Feminine Rubble

play_station curator Angel speaks to Prairie Hatchard-McGill about her recent exhibition, Feminine Rubble, and finding inspiration in “lipstick, mascara smears, and broken acrylics on the floor.”

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A Puppet Show
Fashion The Art Paper Fashion The Art Paper

A Puppet Show

A fashion shoot by QQ x NIKIREI x JJ, featuring garments by musei., Te Rina Coffyn, junesxcry, A.MODA and Fourteen Laboratories.

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Meet Saintleo
Lookbooks The Art Paper Lookbooks The Art Paper

Meet Saintleo

Designer and maker LEON MCKAY, founder OF SAINTLEO, is hosting an immersive sound exhibition this Friday 15 March as part of Auckland Design Week — giving ticket holders and friends a private experience that centres on his sculptural Altec A7 speakers and limited edition stainless steel furniture. We speak to Mckay about designing against the grain and creating the ultimate listening experience.

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