ART à la mode ♡
The Art Paper online bulletin
Kith and Kin opens at Season
We visited the opening of Kith and Kin on Friday 2 August at Season, featuring brunelle dias, Tony Guo, Levi Kereama, Claudia Kogachi, and Jacqueline Fahey.
Notes On: Redemption arcs
Connie Brown on Claudia Kogachi’s exhibition New Moon, Melanie Roger Gallery, 31 August – 17 September 2022.
K. Emma Ng on Claudia Kogachi’s exhibition Heaven must be missing an angel at Jhana Millers.
When The Dust Settles
Artspace Aotearoa, 14 OCT – 19 OCT 2021
Claudia Kogachi, Hot Girls with IBS
Hot Lunch, 06 AUG – 21 AUG 2021
Resistant to Wear: Claudia Kogachi's Rugged Heart
Francis McWhannell writes about Claudia Kogachi's exhibition Rugged Heart at Visions.
We chat to Claudia Kogachi
The artist discusses the evolution of her practice, rug-making, and painting the people closest to you — in the context of her exhibition It is what it is, through 10 April at Jhana Millers, Wellington.
Friction in the Living Room: Paintings by Claudia Kogachi
Formally compelling and overflowing with energy, Claudia Kogachi's women are strong, athletic, yet pleasingly unidealised, writes Francis McWhannell.